de Beauvoir : Otherness

Cards (28)

  • Hegel's Master / Slave dialectic
    • Hegel describes two individuals, the master and the slave (representation of a fundamental social dynamic)
    • The master is unstable because he depends upon the slaves recognition of master superiority in order to stay in control / power
    • Once the slave becomes aware of his own worth / power, he can take back control and develop selfhood
    • The slave, who has freed himself, has a higher self-consciousness than the master ever did, because he was always dependent on the subversion of the slave
    • Genuine freedom arises when individuals recognise each other as equals, engage in mutual recognition and cooperation
    • Metaphor for the evolution of human consciousness and the dynamics of power and recognition in social relationships
  • Women are perceived as lower class members of society
  • Man refers to all of humanity, whereas woman only refers to the one gender
  • Otherness is a fundamental thought in human nature - everything must have an opposing force
  • Men can't think of themselves without the women
  • Women are all encompassed in their position as the other
  • They do not realise that they are oppressed
  • Togetherness with men
  • All encompassed : too busy taking on their role as the woman to realise that they are actually being oppressed
  • Women define themselves in the category as a woman, which limits their individual freedom
  • Socialisation of women into these roles
  • Women in the modern world are expected to do it all (home carer but also employed)
  • Need to dismantle patriarchal systems and eliminate gender based discrimination / control
  • Women must be free to pursue their own goals and aspirations
  • Women should be able to participate fully in everyday life - contribute to the creation of society
  • Reliant on political will, societal attitudes and institutional change
  • Patriarchal attitudes and structures persist in societies - perpetuates gender discrimination and violence towards women
  • Women should have recognition for their caregiving that they undertake in the home
  • “He is the subject, he is the absolute - she is the other”
  • “otherness is a fundamental category of human thought”
  • they are a specific kind of other to men - dependent on men financially after having babies etc
  • "You think so because you are a woman... I think so because it is true"
  • "I am woman"
  • "the woman's body seems devoid of meaning without man"
  • women are locked within their subjectivity
  • Paragraph 1 : WOMEN AS THE OTHER
  • Paragraph 2 : WHY DO THEY NOT REALISE?
  • Paragraph 3 : WHAT DO WE DO?