sacrament of holy orders

Cards (42)

  • Single life
    even though they have not formally taken the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience, yet they make a personal commitment to put their freedom at the service of others in their work and prayer.
  • Married Life
    they follow Christ by giving themselves to each other completely and without any reservation, promising to love each other faithfully for the rest of their lives.
  • Ordained Ministry
    through sacramental ordination, they share in the priesthood of Christ in a special way.
  • Ordained Ministry
    Their very beings are transfigured so that they can represent Christ the Good Shepherd for God's people and Christ as the Head of the Church.
  • Consecration
    means to make holy or sacred.
  • Meditation
    To be a meditator means to help bring about a desired result
  • Consecration
    If we live holy lives then we actively share priesthood of Christ.
  • Sacrifice
    All of us have a cross to bear all; all of experience pain and suffering. But it leads contrary to pin our hope and trust to Him.
  • Four Dimensions of the Priest
    1. Priest as Disciple
    2. Priest as Apostle
    3. Priest as Presbyter
    4. Priest as Presider of the Eucharist
  • Priest as Disciple
    called to follow Jesus in total commitment, undeterred even by family ties, life itself, hardship, or death, and with no looking back to what was left behind.
  • Priest as Apostle
    Sent to serve in the mission of Jesus and of the Church.
  • Priest as Presbyter
    An elder one responsible to the pastoral care of the Church member.
  • Priest as Presider of the Eucharist
    As he offers the Holy sacrifice of the Mass in persona Christi.
    1. Bishops
    2. Priest
    3. Deacon
  • Bishops
    conferred with the fullness of the sacrament of Holy orders.
  • Bishop
    undertakes Christ's own role as teacher, shepherd and high priest and act as His person.
  • Ring
    sign of his fidelity to Church
  • Crosier
    the staff of office, shape like a shepherd's crook
  • Miter
    the tall pointed hat that is the bishop's traditional vestment
  • Priest
    they are to preach the gospel, to shepherd the faithful and to celebrate divine worship as true priests of the New Testament
  • Chalice and Paten
    sacred vessels used for the Eucharist
  • Stole and Chasuble
    the Liturgical vestments of the Priest
  • Deacon
    assists the Priests and Bishops. They serve the people of God in the service of the Liturgy, of the Gospel and of the works of Charity.
  • Book of Gospels
    as a sign of the ministry of preaching the Word.
  • Stole
    the liturgical vestments of a Deacon
  • The three evangelical counsels or counsels of perfection in Christianity
    • chastity
    • poverty
    • obedience.
  • The three evangelical counsels or counsels of perfection in Christianity are chastity, poverty, and obedience. As Jesus of Nazareth stated in the Canonical gospels, they are counsels for those who desire to become "perfect".
  • To be effective servant- leaders are called to develop a spiritually founded on the three evangelical counsels:
    • Obedience
    • Celibacy
    • Poverty
  • Obedience
    This requires dying to oneself, giving up what the priest wants so that he could focus all his attention to serving others. To submit their will to God for the sake of the Gospel. (Not my will but your will be done)
  • Celibacy
    Is a gift from the Lord for the sake of the community. As a gift, it must be nourished and taken care of through constant prayer and the Eucharist.
  • Poverty
    Is a calling to all priests to pattern their lives after Christ who was born poor, lived poor, and died poor. (Humbleness)
    • Pope
    • Cardinal
    • Bishop
    • Monsignor
    • Pastor
    • Priest
    • Monk
    • Brother
    • Sister
  • Pope
    The bishop of Rome, vicar of Christ on earth, successor of St. Peter, visible head of the whole Catholic Church.
  • Cardinal
    An honorary title given to priests or bishops because of their important positions in the Church; Cardinals elect the new Pope.
  • Bishop
    Rules over the people and priests of his diocese; can give Confirmation and Holy Orders.
  • Monsignor
    A priest gets this honorary title from the Pope because of his important position in the Church.
  • Pastor
    Rules over a parish; is subject to the bishop of the diocese.
  • Priest
    Diocesan priests work in a diocese; religious priests belong to a religious order like the Franciscans, Dominicans, etc...
  • Monk
    live in a monastery, follow a strict rule under a superior - like the Benedictines and the Trappists; some are priests, others are brothers.
  • Brother
    A man dedicated to teaching, hospital work or contemplation; takes vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, but does not receive the Sacrament of Holy Orders.