Bile produced by the liver is secreted into the small intestine by the gall bladder to emulsify large fat globules into small fat droplets to increase the surface area to volume ratio of the fats, allowing more lipase to be in contact with the fat and speed up digestion.
Gastric juices in the stomach contain hydrochloric acid that kills microorganisms and creates an acidic environment for protease to digest protein.
Benedict's Test is used to detect reducing sugars when the solution turns from blue to brick-red.
Iodine is used to detect starch when it changes from yellow-brown to blue-black
Ethanol emulsion test is to detect fats when the solution turns cloudy
Biuret test detects protein when the solution turns from blue to purple
The types of reducing sugars are galactose, fructose, lactose and glucose.
Iodine turns from yellow-brown to blue-black when in contact with starch
Why do we need food?
Food provides energy for vital activities like synthesizing new protoplasm, growth, and repair of worn out body parts.
Food molecules are too large to pass through our intestine walls. It has to be broken down into smaller molecules to be able to pass through the partially permeable membranes into the blood.
Breaking down of food through physical or mechanical means like crushing or chewing to increase SA to V ratio for enzymes to access the food and break food down faster.
Teeth chew and crush food into smaller pieces.. This increases the surface area to volume ratio of the food for enzymes to access the food to increase the rate of chemical digestion
A condition in which the body is unable to produce enough insulin or does not respond to insulin, the hormone that regulates the concentration of glucose in the body.
- linked to serious health conditions like obesity, heart attacks, kidney problems