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  • Varicella Zoster - It causes chicken pox.
  • Chicken pox - Also known as Varicella. Most common in winter and spring
  • Blisters - Small and sit on an area of red skin that can be anywhere and they are varying size.
  • Giovanni Filipino - Discovered chicken pox during the 15th century in Italy.
  • Richard Morton - Gave the name chicken pox.
  • William Heberden - Proved that chicken pox is different from small pox.
  • Varicella Zoster Virus
    • Also known as human herpesvirus 3 (HHV3)
  • Varicella Zoster Virus - belongs to the herpesvirus family
  • Viral Glycoproteins - the envelope interspersed by spike in varicella zoster virus.
  • Chicken pox - primary lesion
  • Herpes Zoster - reactivated lesion
  • Pathogenesis
    1. Day 0-3 : Infection of conjunctivae and mucosa of the upper respiratory tract.
    2. Viral replication in regional lymph nodes.
    3. Day 4-6 : primary viremia, viral infection in liver, spleen and other organs.
    4. Day 10-12 : secondary viremia.
    5. Day 14 : infection of skin and appearance of vesicular rash.
  • Transmission of chicken pox
    1. Inhalation
    2. Droplets
  • Stages
    • Incubation period usually 14-17 days.
    • Prodromal (1-3 days).
    • Vesicles.
    • Pustules.
    • Scabs.
    • Recovery typically 7 days after rash appears.
  • Small Blister-like Lesions
    •  occasionally involve the oral side mucosa chiefly the buccal mucosa, tongue, gums and palate as well as the mucosa of the pharynx.
  • Mucosal Lesion
    • initially slightly raised vesicles with surrounding erythema, rupture soon after formation and form small eroded ulcers with a red margin.
  • Increased Risk of Complications of Chicken Pox:
    • Normal Adults
    • Immunocompromised
    • Pregnant Woman
  • Varicella Vaccine
    • Contains live varicella virus.
    • Side effect of vaccine includes redness and soreness at the site of injection.
  • First Dose of Chicken pox vaccine
    • 12-15 months of age.
  • Second dose of chicken pox vaccine
    • 4-6 years of age
  • People not been vaccinated earlier 
    • People 13 years of age and older should get 2 doses at least 28 days apart.