What are the two searching algorithms we are required to know?
What is a search algorithm?
Algorithm to find a specified element in a data structure
Describe the binary search
Algorithm that finds the middle element in the list, evaluates where the elements general location is based on if the element should be higher or lower than the list at that point, the process continues until the element is found
What is the primary condition needed to conduct a binary search?
Data structure has to be sorted
What is the time complexity of a binary search?
O(log n)
What does the pseudocode look like for a binary search?
lower = 0
higher = array.length -1
while lower <= higher
mid = (low + high) / 2
if array[mid] == value;
return mid
elif array[mid] > value;
higher = mid - 1
lower = mid - 1
end if
end while
return "value not in list"
Describe a linear search
Most basic searching algorithm, goes in order through the list to find the value
What is the time complexity of a linear search?
What does the pseudocode look like for a linear search?
i = 0
while i < array.length
if array[i] == value;
return i
i ++
return "value not found"
What are sorting algorithms?
Algorithms that take elements and output them in a logical order
Describe a bubble sort
Algorithm that makes comparisons and swaps between element pairs, the elements are arranged in a pre-set way (ascending or descending)
What does the noSwap variable do in a bubble sort?
Evaluates when a swap is made, if a pass is made with no swap, the algorithm terminates
What is the time complexity of a bubble sort?
Describe an insertion sort
Starts at it's second element and compares it to the element at it's left, if the elements are in the wrong order, the smaller element is placed in the lower position, the index increments until the end of the list
What does the pseudocode for an insertion sort look like?
for i = 1 to array.length - 1
element = array[i]
j = i - 1
while j > 0 and array[j] > element
array[j+1] = array[j]
j = j - 1
array[j+1] = element
What is the time complexity of an insertion sort?
What are the two algorithms associated with stacks?
What pointers are included in the algorithms for stacks?
Single pointer, keeps track of the top of the stack
How do you add a new item to a stack?
push algorithm, the item must be passed as a parameter first
How do you remove an item from a stack?
pop algorithm, the element at the position of the top pointer must be recorded first before being removed
What does the pseudocode for a push look like?
if top == MAXSIZE
print("Stack is full")
top = top + 1
arrstack[top] = value
What does the pseudocode for the pop algorithm look like?
int rtnValue = -1
if top < 0 then
print("Stack is empty")
rtnValue = arrStack[top]
top = top - 1
return rtnValue
What are the two algorithms associated with queues?
What does the pseudocode for an enqueue look like?