Cards (15)

  • Brand Name
    A name, symbol, or other feature that distinguishes a seller's goods or services in the marketplace
  • Brand
    Your customers' overall experience of your business
  • Brand strategy
    A long-term design for the development of a popular brand in order to achieve the goals and objectives
  • Branding
    A powerful and sustainable high-level marketing strategy used to create or influence a brand
  • Commonly used branding strategies
    • Purpose
    • Consistency
    • Emotion
    • Flexibility
    • Employee Involvement
    • Loyalty
    • Competitive Awareness
  • Purpose (functional)

    Assessments of success in terms of fast and profitable reasons, e.g. the purpose of the business is to make money
  • Purpose (intentional)

    Focuses on fulfillment as it relates to the capability to generate money and do well in the world
  • Consistency
    • Avoid things that don't relate to or improve your brand
    • Aids brand recognition, which fuels customer loyalty
  • Emotion
    • Allow customers to feel part of your brand
    • Find ways to connect more deeply and emotionally with customers
    • Use emotion to build relationships and promote brand loyalty
  • Flexibility
    • Allows brand to adapt to changing market conditions
  • Employee Involvement
    • Employees should be well versed in how they communicate with customers and represent the brand
  • Loyalty
    • Positive relationship between you and your existing customers sets the tone for what potential customers can expect
  • Competitive Awareness
    • Do not be frightened of competition
    • Take it as a challenge to improve your branding strategy and craft a better value in your brand
  • Individual Performance Task: "My Imaginary Product"
  • Assignment: Paste the P's (in Marketing Mix)