Cold War

Cards (58)

  • Conflicting ideologies:
    USSR communist
    USA capitalist
  • Yalta conference 1945
    -Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
    -Germany not yet defeated but clear they would
    -agreed on Germany- divided into 4 zones: US, Soviet, British + French
    -creation of the UN
    -USSR promised to allow free elections in eastern europe
    -disagreed on Poland- Churchill and Roosevelt however agreed to allow Stalin to move the USSR westwards into Poland
    -beginning of the increasing tension
  • Potsdam conference 1945
    • Germany defeated
    • Truman, churchill, stalin
    • Stalin set up communist government against their wishes
    • USA tested atomic bomb- Truman took Stalin to 1 side
    • Disagreements: Germany- Stalin wanted to cripple Germany, Truman didn't want to repeat mistakes of Treaty of Versailles
    • Reparations- Stalin wanted compensation from Germany, truman disagreed, Stalin confused
    • Eastern Europe- Truman became concerned over Stalin's intentions for eastern Euopre
  • Churchill's iron curtain speech 1946:
    • USA offered loans to USSR to improve relations and also for economic reasons- Stalin rejected (didn't want to be under US's 'sphere of influence')
    • Stalin achieved domination of Eastern Europe
    • Churchill said that an iron curtain had descended around Eastern Europe and it wasn't the liberated Europe the allies wanted
  • Stalin tightens his grip
    • determined to control Eastern European governments
    • between 1945-49 the USSR took control of Eastern Europe + made them loyal to the USSR
    • USSR kept control by; controlling the army, secret police, arresting opponents
    • 1947- creation of Cominform to control the puppet governments- Stalin kept a close eye on independent leaders and replace them with people who were loyal
  • USA response:
    -Truman doctrine: America would send troops and resources to help governments threatened by communism (containment)
    -Marshall aid: 17bil to help Europe recover-element of self interest
    -Stalin forbade the Eastern European countries applying for Marshall aid, he felt USA was trying to dominate as many states as possible and weaken his hold on Eastern Europe
  • Berlin blockade
  • Berlin blockade
    • Britain, France and the USA combined their zones- West Germany, Berlin divided into 4 zones
    • Stalin blockades Berlin: cut of all rail and road links
    • If USA tried to ram the roadblocks or railway blocks- act of war
    • Stalin expected Truman to withdraw from Berlin, which would give him the propaganda victory
  • Berlin airlift
    1. Allies responded with massive airlift of resources from West Germany to West Berlin
    2. Lasted 318 days
  • Stalin lifted blockades
  • NATO formed
  • NATO
    Western powers agreed to work together
  • Warsaw pact
    Communist eastern European states promised to defend each other
  • USSR tested first nuke- 1949
    -america immediately began building up own stock of nuclear weapons
  • 1953- Stalin died and new leader Khrushchev took over
    • he talked peaceful co-existence
    • however he ruthlessly crushed uprisings in eastern Germany and Hungary in 1956
  • Throughout the 1950s there was a threat of nuclear war
    • both sides stockpiled weapons
    • each side accused each other of being unreasonable
  • The Berlin wall 1961 (background)
    • East Germans dissatisfied with the low standard of living contrasted with the prosperity of West Germany
    • Thousands of East Germans defected to West Germany
    • The flood of East Germans leaving Berlin was a propaganda gift to to the USA
  • Why did the Berlin war become a cold war crisis?
    • New American president, John Kennedy 1961
    • Presidency didnt get off to a great start - Cuban missile crisis
    • Khrushchev chose this moment of failure to call on him to remove US troops from Berlin
    • Kennedy stood firm and refused, he also ordered 150,000 US troops to be called up for action in Germany + increased armed force funding
    • Khrushchev accused Kennedy of provoking conflict- claimed the USA + allies were using Berlin as a base for spies
    • 13th August- Berlin wall built between East and West Berlin
  • Impact of the Berlin Wall crisis
    • Wall stayed and became symbol of division - division of germany, division of europe, division of communist east and democratic west
    • Kennedy had stood up to Khrushchev and he made good propaganda use of the wall
    • Khrushchev showed he was tough as Kennedy could not stop him building the wall
    • The communists presented the wall as a protective shield around East Berlin
    • Western powers presented it as a prison wall
  • Cuban Missile Crisis background 1959:
    • Cuba considered USA's 'backyard'
    • fiercely anti-communist Cuban leader Batista overthrown in revolution led by communist Fidel Castro
    • Batista's followers who fled into exile in the USA pressured the US to help oust Castro
    • USA investigate ways to overthrow Castro
    • The USA refused to trade with Cuba and began a propaganda campaign against the Cuban leader and his regime
  • Why did the Cuban Missile Crisis become a cold war crisis?
    • Khrushchev supports Castro
    • Castro feared a US invasion of Cuba + turned to USSR forhelp
    • Khrushchev and Castro agreed a 100mil package of economic aid and Khrushchev also sent military equipment and tehcnical advisers to Cuba
  • The Bay of Pigs invasion
    -In April 1961 the CIA trained 1,300 Cuban exiles to invade Cuba
    -They landed at the Bay of Pigs and were easily defeated
    -Kennedy was humiliated
    -It also seemed to justify Khrushchev's actions because it seemed Cuba needed protection
  • Khrushchev arms Castro - 1962
    -USSR supplied Cuba with arms
    -Americans questioned whether the USSR would place nuclear weapons in Cuba - Khrushchev assured he was not
    -US supply plane flew over Cuba and images showed nuclear missile sites
    -Planes also reported 20 soviet ships on their way to Cuba carrying missiles
  • Why did Khrushchev place nuclear missiles in Cuba?
    • To bargain with the USA
    • To close the missile gap
    • To defend Cuba
    • To test the USA
    • To strengthen his own position in the USSR
  • Cuban Missile Crisis
  • US spy planes fly over Cuba
    14th October
  • 16th October
    1. Kennedy forms a panel of military and political advisers called Ex comn
    2. Hawks advised bombing missile sites and invading Cuba
    3. Doves argue Kennedy should use diplomacy
  • 20-21st October
    1. Kennedy decides to blockade Cuba
    2. Khrushchev tells Cuban troops to expect US invasion
  • 22nd October
    1. Kennedy announces naval blockade of Cuba
    2. Kennedy warns of retaliation if missiles are launched from Cuba
  • 23rd October
    1. Khrushchev explains missile sites are solely to defend Cuba
    2. Kennedy receives letter from Khrushchev saying Soviet ships will not observe blockade
  • 24th October
    1. Blockade began
    2. Russian ships head for Cuba
    3. Khrushchev tells the captains to ignore blockades
  • 25th October
    1. 1st missile carrying ships reaches naval blockade, they turn round
    2. US are plotting to remove the missiles in Turkey for exchange for those in Cuba
  • 26th October
    1. Russia still building missile bases
    2. Kennedy considers invasion of Cuba- war seems inevitable
    3. Kennedy gets a telegram from Khrushchev offering to dismantle the missile sites if he removes blockades and promises not to invade cuba
  • 27th October
    1. Khrushchev sends second letter, demanding that Kennedy promises not to attack Cuba and dismantles missile bases in turkey
    2. A u2 plane is shot down over Cuba- tensions rise
    3. Kennedy delays war + ignores second letter from Khrushchev
    4. Kennedy sends a letter to Khrushchev offering if Khrushchev dismantles missile bases, America will lift blockade and not invade Cuba- also he'll dismantle turkish missile bases (secret)
  • Khrushchev agrees to Kennedy proposals-crisis over
    28th October
  • Khrushchev's reaction:
    Khrushchev kept Cuba communist and won a promise from the USA that Cuba wouldn't be invaded
    Khrushchev had been forced to back down about the missiles and the missile gap never narrowed
  • Castro's reaction
    Upset by the deal, but had little choice, Cuba stayed communist and highly armed, Cuba remained an important base for Communists in South America
  • Kennedy's reaction
    Made Khrushchev back down, stood up to 'Hawks' in his own government, not managed to oust Castro, removed US missiles in Turkey
  • Cuban Missile Crisi: impact
    Improved relations slightly between superpowers
    Superpowers signed a nuclear test ban treaty1963
    Superpoweres avoided direct confrontation from now on
  • Superpowers signed a nuclear test ban treaty