Topic 1
Created by
Rita Carmen
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Cards (116)
Define business
businesses combine factors of production to produce goods and services to satisfy customer wants and needs
Identify the four factors of production
Land: location
Labour: workers involved
Capital: machinery
Enterprise: risk of starting a business
Difference between goods and services
Goods: tangible items that have a physical existence
Services: intangible that is provided by other people
Purpose of business activity
identify needs and wants of people and other businesses
They purchase factors of production, produce the goods in order to satisfy the needs of customers and make a profit
consumer goods
good that can be directly consumed for satisfying human wants and needs
capital goods
goods used to produce other goods
economic problem
when there are unlimited wants in the world but limited resources to produce those products to satisfy the wants
opportunity cost
the next best alternative given up by choosing an item
added value
the difference between the selling price of a product and the cost of bought-in materials
adding value
increasing the difference between the selling price and the cost of bought-in material
Ways to increase added/adding value
increase selling price - can deter consumers (good design, convenience and speed, packaging, quality, brand name, USP)
Decrease cost of bought in materials
dynamic business environment
legal changes
change in economy
new competition
technological changes
Why some businesses fail
lack of knowledge
lack of cash
poor management skills
poor reocord keeping
differentiating a product by developing a brand name, logo,
, etc for it
local business: small businesses that are located in a specific area
national business: businesses that have operations all across a country
international business: businesses that have operations in more than one country
multinational business: businesses that has its
in one country but factories in other countries
a person who operates, organizes and takes risks for a new business venture
an employee that takes direct responsibility for turning a new idea into a profitable business venture
qualities for successful entrepreneurs/intrapreneurs
risk taker
good communicator
multi skilled
leadership skills
hard worker
Barriers to entrepreneurship
successful business opportunities
Sourcing capital Determining a location
Building a customer base
business risk and uncertainty
all business decisions involve risk, but uncertainty cannot be foreseen or predicted
Role of business on economic development
increases competition
decreases unemployment
increases gdp
grows and survives business
technological change
Business plan
a document containing the business objectives and important details regarding the finance, operations and owners of the new business
Key elements of a business plan
executive summary
description of business opportunities
marketing and sales strategy
management and personnel
financial forecast
Purpose of business plan
To help gain finance
To reduce risk by planning carefully
Benefits and limitations of business plan
clear guidance
helps in decision making
helps in gaining finance
causes false sense of reality, too much reliance overlooks that its just based on predictions
must be detailed or can delay investor agreements
can make business inflexible as they may reject opportunities just because it doesnt follow the plan
primary sector
extracts natural resources from the earth and converts them into raw materials to be used by other businesses
secondary sector
uses raw materials extracted by the primary sector to manufacture goods
tertiary sector
provides services to consumers and other business sectors
quantenary sector
the industry based on human knowledge which involves technology, information, financial planning, research, and development.
private sector
business owned by an individual, not the government
public sector
businesses owned by the government, not individuals
the growing importance of secondary sector in developing countries
Advantages of industrialization
increase in GDP
higher exports
decrease in unemployment
tax increase for firms
Disadvantages of industrialisation:
-increase in pollution
-poor working conditions
-increase is movement of people to towns causing house problems
-import costs increase
reasons for deindustrialisation
increase in tertiary sector spending
depletion in natural resources
sole trader
a business in which one person provides the permanent finance and in return, has full control of the business and is able to keep all of the profits.
-easy to set up as no legal formalities
-owner has complete control
-owner keeps all the profits
-unlimited liability
-lack of continuity
-owners investements
a business is formed by two or more people with shared capital investment and responsibilities
-shares decision making
-shares capital
-shares losses
-fewer legal formalities
-unlimited liability
-profits are shared
-no continiuty
-loss of indepenance
-cannot raise capital by selling shares
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