literary elements used in creative nonfiction

Cards (19)

  • characters Every story has characters, but in nonfiction, these
    characters are real people.
  • detail provides pieces of information.
  • dialogue is literary and theatrical
    form consisting of a written or spoken
    conversational exchange between two or
    more people.
  • diction is the writer’s choice of words.
  • figurative language is a type of
    language that varies from the norms and
    literal language.
  • flashback is a literary device in which an
    earlier or past event is inserted to the present
    or normal chronological order of a narrative.
  • flash forward is a literary device in which the plot goes ahead of
  • foreshadowing is a literary device in which an author hints certain plot
    developments that perhaps will come to be later in the story.
  • imagery refers to the “pictures” which we perceive with our mind’s eyes,
    ears, nose, tongue, skin, and through which we experience the “duplicate world” created by the poetic language.
  • motif is any element, subject, idea or concept that is constantly present
    through the entire body of the literature.
  • narrative nonfiction writing usually follows a time line for narrative that
    is either linear or nonlinear, depending on how the author tells a story.
  • order is the arrangement of events in a work of literature.
  • importance to rank details from least to most, or from most to least.
  • chronological to arrange details in a story or purposes in the order which happened.
  • problem solution in order to explain a problem, outline solution, or argue or against a solution.
  • cause and effect to show the relationship between events or conditions.
  • camparison and contrast to show similarities and differences between two things.
  • classifications to break a subject into subgroups or categories.
  • plot and plot sequence refers to the series or sequence of events that gives a story its meaning and effect.