'If with intent to commit an offence to which this sectionapplies, a person does an act which is more than merelyprepatory to the commission of the fulloffence, he is guilty of attempting to commit the offence'
Key points
Triableeitherway offence
S4(1)criminalattempts act 1981 - a person guilty shall be liable for the maximumsentence available to commit the fulloffence
Actus reus
Performing an actmorethanmerelyprepatory to the commission of the fulloffence
Actus reus 2
Act must be sufficientlyclose to final criminalact - demonstrating a clear intent to carry out the crime
Last act need not have occurred - individual must have transitioned from planning or preparation to execution or implementation
R v Guelfer
R v Gedder
Mens rea
Intent to commit the fulloffence
Mens rea 2
Requires same intention necessary for full offence
The individual must possess a specific intent to commit the intended crime
R v Easom, R v Whybrow
Attemptedmurder requires intent to kill, not just intention to cause GBH
You can still be guilty of attempting a crime even if it turns out the crime was impossible to commit