Processing Sound

Cards (11)

  • Processing sound

    1. Sound stays in digital form
    2. Number crunching
    3. Reduce sound level
    4. Cut off end of sound
    5. Move section of sound
    6. Apply effects like bass, treble, reverberation
  • When processing is finished, modified sound samples are fed to digital-to-analogue converter and loudspeaker
  • Editing sound

    Operations such as deleting or inserting sections of sound
  • Real-time operation means processing individual samples within the sample period so sound can be played as processed
  • Non-destructive editing

    Editing operations carried out on the fly using only the original sound data, without overwriting it
  • Destructive editing

    Original data is (or may be) overwritten with the processed data
  • Editing sound in Audacity

    1. Select portion of sound
    2. Cut selected portion
    3. Paste at desired location
  • Echo
    Perceived repetition of a sound due to delayed reflection
  • Reverberation
    Multiple delayed versions of a sound combined, creating a different effect
  • Creating echo and reverberation effects

    1. Add delayed version of sound to original
    2. Multiple delays at different time intervals
    3. Reduce delay proportions as they get longer
  • Creating spatial movement effect in Audacity

    1. Apply echo effect
    2. Convert mono track to stereo
    3. Delay right channel