1.5 - Relationships and Processes within school

Cards (17)

  • What are the types of subcultures?
    • Ingratiation - pupils who try hard to win favour of teachers in school
    • Compliance - pupils who accept school rules and discipline to get good grades
    • Opportunism - pupils who fluctuate from seeking approval from teachers and peer groups
    • Rebellion - going against school rules
  • What does Hargreaves say about subcultures?
    • says that anti school subcultures emerge from low sets.
    • since they cannot get good grades they seek status from being anti school
    • WOODS - criticises and says this is too simplistic
  • Male Subcultures -
    • used as a coping mechanism - 'having a laff'
    • economy has changed and there is relatively no working class jobs available
  • What do Mac and Ghaill say about male subcultures?
    • there are different types
    • macho lads
    • new enterprisers
    • academic achievers
    • real englishmen
    • gay students
  • What do Mac and Ghaill say about female subcultures?
    • females seek boyfriends even when they do not like the macho boys
    • w/c girls seen work as a potential marriage market
  • What was Griffin's study?
    • studied young w/c women during their first years in employment
    • 1 - marriage market
    • 2 - labour market
    • 3 - sexual market - getting a job and a partner
  • What was Mirza's study on female subcultures?
    • 62 black women in 2 secondary schools had positive attitudes towards achieving success even when they faced racism
  • Ethnic Subcultures -
    • some black boys reject school and education in favour of conspicuous consumption and street credibility
    • black girls reject teachers low expectations
  • What did Archer find about ethnic subcultures?
    • found muslim boys tended to be influenced by the african american 'gangsta culture'
  • What are the 2 main outcomes of being labelled?
    1 - Accepting the label
    2 - Rejecting the label
  • Teacher pupil relationships -
    • teachers tend to prefer students who are well behaved and well mannered
    • because of this, pupils often get rewarded with good marks and higher sets
  • What are the different organisations in teaching and learning?
    1 - Mixed Ability
    2 - Setting
    3 - Streaming
    4 - Within Class Groups
  • What was Hallam et al study?
    • interviewed pupils from KS2 classes in 6 primary schools
    • findings - they preffered class group teaching and work
    • enjoyed whole class reading
    • friendship groups normally developed from what table you were on
    • pupils who were below average tended to be neglected by the others
  • What is identity?
    • how we see ourselves and how others see us
  • What was Young's study?
    • 1 - structural - existed because of the different social classes
    • 2 - agency - existed because of the choices we make in who we hang around with
    • method - survey of 22 scottish schools
    • findings - NED's tended to be w/c boys from deprived areas
  • What was Sewell's study?
    • semi structured interviews with students
    • built strong rapports with students before
    • findings - black pupils felt their culture was neglected because of the curriculum
    • also felt they were racially targeted by teachers
  • What was Connolly's research?
    • research on different pupils in primary schools
    • Black boys - teachers were more likely to criticise their behaviour and likely to encourage sports
    • Black girls - perceived as potentially disruptive and encouraged them to do sports
    • South Asian boys - considered to be more conformist and had difficulty gaining status
    • South Asian girls - considered more obedient and high status fro academic ability