the smallersubunits from which larger molecules are made
molecules made from lots of repeatingunits (monomers) joinedtogether
Don't have any doublebonds between carbon atoms, have the largestnumber of hydrogens it can have
has one or moredoublebondsbetweencarbon atoms, causing the chain to bend
repelwater (e.g. fattyacidchains, makes lipidsinsoluble in water)
A glycerol molecule, a phosphategroup and 2fattyacidchains
attractswater (e.g. phosphategroup/head of a phospholipid)
only one layer of phosphate, transports fatsoluble substances
Bilayer phosphates
2 layers, transports watersoluble substances
a singledouble bond present
More than onedouble bond present
R group (amino acid)
variablegroup, can contain other elements including sulphur generally containing carbon
Amine group (amino acid)
Carboxyl group (amino acid)
Primary structure of a protein
sequence of aminoacids in a polypeptide chain, determines 3D shape or tertiarystructure
Secondary structure of a protein
hydrogen bonds form between the aminoacids in the chain these make the alpha-helix and beta-pleatedsheet structures stable
Tertiary structure of a protein
3D shape of the polypeptide chain, it is a specificshape due to the sequence of aminoacids and the hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds and disulphidebridges that form between the Rgroups
Quaternary structure of a protein
proteins are made of more than onepolypeptide, non-protein groups many also be associated
Lock and Key model
substrate will only fit active site of a specificenzyme, substrate has a complimentary shape to active site, suggesting enzyme is rigid
InducedFit model
enzymes changeshapeslightly to fit substrate, enzyme is flexible, enzyme puts strain on the substrate, distortingbonds, lowering the activationenergy
has similarshape to the substratemolecules, compete with the substrate to bind to the activesite of the enzyme, block the activesite, so substrates cannot bind, so noEScomplexes are formed
Non-competitive Inhibitors
Don'tbind to the activesite, as they have different shape to the substrate so don't compete, bind to the allostericsite, causes the activesite of the enzyme to change shape so it is no longercomplimentary to the substrate so no ES complexes can be formed