subcultures- refusal of mchabitus led to wc and em groups as anti-school (Sewell, Fuller, Willis)
labelling-impacts self-esteem, those negatively labelled may disassociate from school
ethnocentric- em feel rejected=Christian holidays, school means, no cultural variation on uniform
nikeidentities- (Archer) impose symbolicviolence against wc identities, schools reject these students so wc see school as 'not for them'
peer groups- peer groups reinforce genderedbehaviour, boys called 'gay' for doing work
(Althusser)- ISA, RSA, education serves to reproduce and legitimateinequality
(Bowles and Gintis)- 'correspondenceprinciple' parallels between school and work which operate through the 'hiddencurriculum' which are the lessons taught indirectly
myth of meritocracy- prevents rebelling as justifying inequality and natural and inevitable
(Willis)- can resist indoctrination (not deterministic) but this rejection of school made them suited to capitalist system of blue-collar work
Durkheim- socialsolidarity= transmits society's shared culture and prepares for later life 'society in miniature', specialistskills= education teaches specialist knowledge and skills needed for later life
Davis and Moore-roleallocation= inequality necessary to ensure most important roles are filled by most talented