New insecurities and risksociety (Beck) as global mentality.
immigration-worsened by media-intensification of socialcontrol
(Taylor) created crime in all social classes
companies use low-wagemanufacturing
deregulation and marketisation
IMF + worldbank- impose capitalist economies on poor countries so people turn to crime
'glocal'- organisations rooted in localcontexts with internationallinks- creates new patterns of crime like, drugtrade
'mcmafia'-chechen mafia given wealth from Russian oligarchs following collapse of communism, franchised their mafia- built links due to connectedness of globalised society
right realism
rationalchoicetheory- IQ, free will
underclass- (Murray) deviant underclass headed by single mothers who were socialised inadequately
situational crime prevention-designing out crime, increasing surveillance, targethardening
environmental crime prevention- (Wilson and Kelling)'broken windows'= social control reduces crime, zero-tolerance, ASBOs
criminogeniccapitalism- causes crime by its nature ('dog-eat-dog')
wc and crime- poverty, obtaininggoods, alienation leads to violent crime
state and law making- serving ruling class's interests, English law on East-Africancolonies (Chambliss), selectiveenforcement (ignore crimes of powerful)
ideologicalfunctions- laws passed to benefit ruling class but appear to benefit wc, health and safety give a 'caringface'
crime has a free-will element as those committing are striving for change in society
(Taylor and Young) 'fullysocialtheory of deviance'
immediateorigins of the reaction
widerorigins of reaction
effects of labelling
Durkheim-inevitable as not everyone socialised, modern societies tend towards anomie weakening collective consciousness
Durkheim-boundarymaintenance, adaptation and change