
Cards (3)

  • globalisation
    • west moving towards secularisation
    • others moving towards fundamentalism- clash of civilisations (Huntington), increased insecurity (Giddens)
    • renewed faith- cultural defence and transition
    • religious diversity- POMO, new age movements
    • increased global communications- online religion, religion online, televangelism
  • marxism
    • religion as ideology- used by ruling class to legitimate suffering of the poor, misleads wc to think they'll be rewarded for suffering, creates false consciousness, (Lenin- spiritual gin)
    • religion and alienation- workers are alienated doing meaningless tasks, religion acts as an 'opium of the masses', doesn't deal with cause that is class exploitation
    • FORCE FOR CHANGE- (Bloch- dual character),(liberation theology- allowed for democracy),(Gramsci- hegemony of ruling class as the church)
  • functionalism
    • Durkheim- sacred and profane, totemism, collective consciousness, cognitive functions
    • Parsons- eternal questions, creates and legitimates society's central values
    • Malinowski- psychological functions
    • Bellah- civil religion