gender and crime

Cards (29)

  • Chivalry Thesis

    men are socialised to act chivalrous towards women and are therefore less likely to arrest, prosecute or charge them
  • Chivalry Thesis Research
    men average sentence for robbery 35 months
    female average sentence for robbery time 25 months
  • Chivalry Thesis Trends
    women are under represented in official crime stats
    less likely to be sent to prison
    more likely to be cautioned
  • Evidence against chivalry thesis
    more severe punishments for less serious offences
    rates of imprisonment have been rising in early 21st century
    many held on remand despite committing relatively minor crimes
  • Feminists
    Criminal justice system is bias against women
  • Walklate
    Rape trials are not taken seriously and the victim ends up being asked about sexual history
    majority of alleged rapists end up found not guilty
  • Westmarland
    sex trafficking victims are treated with hostility
    Often end up deported back to home country and traffickers left unscathed
  • Double Deviants
    breaking the social norms of the suggested way for women to behave. this leads to severe treatment
  • Steward
    Gender played a part into decisions and also is linked to the moral judgement about the worth of an individual
  • Double standards in the criminal justice system
    System is seen as gendered and women are treated particularly bad when deviating from the norm
  • Biological Explanation

    A belief that women are innately different. More caring and nurturing
  • "Natural women"

    less likely to commit crime as they are the norm
  • Dalton
    Hormonal factors can influence a minority of women to commit crime
  • Newburn
    Women commit every type of crime so there can't be anything in their nature excluding them from becoming criminals
  • Dalton critique

    no convincing research linking cycles and crime
  • Sex Role Theory
    women are less likely to commit crime as their roles prevent them from having the opportunity to
    girl are also socialised with different values which don't lead to crime
  • Parsons
    girls have clear role models to follow that emphasis care and support
  • Cohen
    delinquency is mainly done by males as women have the main socialisation role
    men may also lack a positive role model to steer them away from crime
  • Farrington and Painter
    Failure of effective socialisation leads to a small proportion of women into crime
  • Farrington and Painter Findings
    Female offenders more likely to have had harsh erratic parenting and little support/praise from their parents
  • Alder
    rate of increasing female crime is linked to increased freedom and move away from traditional roles
  • Descombe
    due to changing roles, females are as likely as men to risk take
  • Westwood
    identities are always being reconstructed and reframed
    theres no longer a fixed female identity limiting our understanding
  • Heidensohn
    Convicted offenders tend to score high on psych tests of femininity suggesting more male roles haven't been taken on
  • Heidensohn social control
    women face greater social control giving them less opportunity to commit crime
  • 3 settings of social control
    1. control at home through finance + lack of time
    2. control in public, fear of being attacked especially at night
    3. control at work, most managers are male and therefore can exercise greater control
  • Citing Control Theory
    women tend to offend as they have no reason to conform and enjoyed little success in society
  • Criminality
    criminality = drug addiction + search for excitement
  • Citing Control Theory Research Carlen
    39 women aged 15-46 did in depth unstructured interviews
    found working class had not enjoyed the benefits of women's liberation
    Class and gender interacted in explaining the offending of these women