smallernucleotide bases, cytosine, uracil and thymine
Anti-parallel (DNA)
the sugar-phosphate 'backbone' of one strand runs in the opposite direction to the other strand
Adenosinetriphosphate, respiration releases energy in this form, can lose phosphates - ADP or AMP
phosphate ion, when ATP is hydrolysed
Cohesive (water)
attractive forces between negativecharged and positivechargedpole cause water molecules to cohere (stick together) due to hydrogen bonding
SpecificHeatCapacity (water)
High because water molecules stick together (4181 J/kg.k), takes moreenergy to separate them than it would if they weren't bonded to each other, can act as a buffer, takes a lot of energy to change temperature - stable habitat for aquatic organisms
Latentheat of Vapourisation (water)
Energy needed to make 1kg of waterevaporate, high value, sweating is very effective - water loss is minimal but lots of energy is still transferred to environment, help organisms maintain a constant temperature
Metabolite (water)
essential part of hydrolysis + condensation reactions (photosynthesis and respiration)