MSM is too simplistic - views LTM as a singleunitary store. Supports 3 types of LTM.
Evaluation - Weakness of MSM
Research lacks external validity- lacks mundane realism as tasks are unlike something you would do on a daily basis like remembering trigrams.
Miller - Supports capacity of STM
STM can hold up to 7+-2 and he used a digit span technique. He found capacity can be increased by chunking - grouping items together so can be stored and processed in a single unitary store.
Capacity of STM - Millers procedure
Controlled lab conditions. PP learned and recalled a sequence of digits in the correct order. It increased by 1 digit each time a PP recalled the correct sequence.
Peterson and Peterson - Duration of STM - Procedure
PP were shown a trigram and asked to recall the trigram after different durations. They were given inference tasks between exposure to the trigram. Task was to count backwards in 3's from a random 3-digit number - prevent rehearsal
Peterson and Peterson - Duration of STM - Results
90% of pp were able to correctly recall trigrams after 3 seconds, 20% after 9 seconds and 2% after 18 seconds. Suggests duration is 18-20 seconds.
Baddeley - coding in STM - Procedure
PP were given 4 sets of words which were either acoustically or semantically similar or acoustically or semantically dissimilar. Acoustically means sounded similar. Semantically means meaning similar
Baddeley - Coding in STM - Results
In STM more errors were made when recalling acoustically similar words