If a country runs a current account surplus, it receives financial IOUs from its trading partners.
If a country runs a current account deficit, it pays for this by giving its trading partners financial IOUs.
The current account includes international flows from exports, imports, factor payments, and transfers.
Trade increases the efficiency of production through gains from specialisation.
A producer has an absolute advantage in producing a good (or service) if they can produce more units per hour than other producers.
A producer has a comparative advantage in producing a good (or service) if the opportunity cost is lower than that of other producers.
Economists argue that if the benefits outweigh the costs of specialisation & trade, a system of government taxes and transfers to compensate the losing households would still benefit everyone.
Current account = Net exports + Net factorpayments from abroad + Net transfers from abroad
The financial account is the increase in domestic assets held by foreigners minus the increase in foreign assets held domestically.
The financial account is defined so that the net flows in the financial account offset the net flows in the current account: Current account + Financial account = 0
The financial account records international transactions in assets.
Debt (bonds and loans)
Real assets such as land
Transfers & gifts
To qualify as foreign DIRECT investment, the capital flow must generate a large ownership stake in a local firm for the foreign investors.