Post War Conferences

Cards (6)

  • Yalta happened in Ukraine
    February 1945
  • What they met to discuss at Yalta
    What to do with Germany and Europe once victory was achieved
  • What they agreed on at Yalta
    • Divide Germany and Berlin into 4 zones
    • Germany pay Soviet for lost life and property
    • Stalin agreed to join the war against Japan
    • Stalin agreed Eastern Europeans would have free elections and Eastern Europe would be a soviet sphere of influence
    • Hunt and try Nazi war criminals in an international court of law
  • Potsdam happened in Germany
    July 1945
  • Changes occurred between Yalta and Potsdam
    • Soviet troops liberated countries but didn't leave
    • Communist government in Poland
    • Atlee replaced Churchill
    • Attitudes towards the USSR hardened
  • What they agreed on at Potsdam
    • How Germany would be divided and reparations would be distributed
    • The USSR could take some reparations from UK and US zones in return for supplying food and fuel
    • How would Austria be divided
    • Changes to Germany's border with Poland- former German territory became Polish