death HAS to happen for samsara so someone can achieve enlightenment
viewed as a transition rather than the end
important as they provide a reminder of the Buddha's teachings
Theravada: shrine with dead person's picture and an image of the Buddha(assist transition to rebirth), candles and flowers, cremate/bury dead person
Mahayana: cremation, funerals is a few days late to allow rebirth(up to 49days), Tibetan - book of dead assistssouls in moving between rebirths, chant guidance and wisdom, sky burial - body is a gift to vultures to prove they have no sins.
Five Moral Precepts
they help Buddhists to avoid causing others to suffer
refrain from taking life(murder)
refrain from taking what isn't given(stealing)
refrain from misuse of sex
refrain from wrong speech(lying/swearing)
refrain from intoxicating self(drinking/drugs)
concern for others - wanting to help them
all Buddhists should do this
consider if it was them suffering
one of the Four Sublime States - developing themselves
positiveperception of life
helping others before they need it - showing love
acting before being prompted to do so
kinder and more considerate
full moon in May/June
remembers Buddha's birth, enlightenment and death
honour him and remember his teachings
decorate temples and light lamps
offerings and special talks from monks
Mahayana festival in February
'nibbana after death'
recall and celebrate that the Buddha went into Parivana
think about owndeath - consider how to reach nibbana
meditate and reflect in a temple - reflect on concept of Annica
devotional ritual
thanks and respect to Buddha - vital for them to follow him
request blessings and ask for help - remove certain obstacles in life
Theravada: flowers and candles in front of an image of him
Mahayana: longer period of time
allow Buddhists to meet with likemindedpeople - brings Buddhists together
built to represent the 5 elements of wisdom, water, fire, wind, earth
main room(Buddhists show devotion)- buddharupa(image of the Buddha)
gompa - space to meditate
founds in Buddhist temples
contain image of Buddha
help to focus devotion and meditation
Mahayana: contain image of a Boddhisattava
offerings(flowers/incense/candles) - special appreciation to the Buddha