Refers to ecclesiasties 3:20 “All are from dust and from dust we shall return”
Dust is valueless , also shows that deaths are seen as figures rather than actual human loss
“Running children in a nightmare heat”
Land mines impose a threat to children
Juxtaposition highlights Reference to napalmgirl
“for Sundays supplement”
Redolent of church , as the editor and readers may entertain this do to their belief that it is their Christian duty, but this is superficial and is paying lip-service to the idea of helping your fellow man in the name of religion.
“all flesh is grass”
Biblical allusion to Isaiah40 (" All people are like grass ") which signals that life is transient
Metaphor for bodies not returning to their homeland but decomposing on foreign fields turning into grass along time after the conflict was over
“A half formed ghost”
Doubleentendre as he looks like a ghost as he’s not developed in film yet
And that he is actually a ghost due to dying in conflict
Or he and his death may not be seen
Young men are enlisted at a young age and may not be developed emotionally or intellectually
Or the man who died is not at rest as the conflict still ensues
Napalm girl
Red light could be reminiscent of the tabernaclelamp
“simple weather” could link to British culture, constantly complaining about how bad weather is true suffering but it’s not