D has AR + MR for the crimes in question but is coerced into committing it
2 main forms
Duress by threat (A-G v Wheelan)
Duress by circumstance
Duress by threat
'Forced to commit an offence whilst subject to threats of immediatedeath or seriouspersonalviolence so great to overpower the ordinarypowers of resistance'
Subjective to jury
Duress Elements (R v Hasan):
No defence to murder, attemptedmurder or treason
The threatreliedupon must be to cause death or seriousinjury (R v Valderrama)
Threat must be direct against D or someoneclose to him (R v Whayler
Threat must be so great as to overbear the ordinarypowers of humanresistance
Only available where criminaloffence are caused directly by threats (R v Cole)
Only available where there is no evasiveaction the D could have been expected to take (R v Gill)
Defence cannot be used if D has voluntarilylaidhimselfopen to being threatened (R v Sharp)