Anatomy: Respiratory 🫁

Cards (80)

  • What bones articulate with the manubrium at its superolateral angles?
  • What is the name of the joint between the clavicle and manubrium
  • What kind of joint are sternoclavicular?
  • Another word for xiphisternum?
    Xiphoid process
  • What vertebral level is the xiphoid process located?
  • What level is the sternomanubrial joint located?
  • What is the name of the notch that lies on the superomedial border of the manubrium?
    Jugular notch
  • Label this image:
    CC = costal cartilage
    A) Sternal body
    B) Manubrium
    C) Sternocostal joint
    D) Xiphoid process
    E) Facet for 7th CC
    F) Facet for 2nd CC
    G) Sternomanubrial joint
    H) Facets for 1st costal cartilage
    I) jugular notch
  • The head of the 5th rib articulates with the bodies of which vertebrae?
    T4 and T5
  • What part of the vertebrae articulates with the rib tubercle?
    Transverse process
  • What lies in the costal groove?
    Intercostal nerve/vein/artery
  • Which ribs are vertebrosternal?
    True ribs = 1 to 7
  • Which ribs are vertebrochondral?
    False Ribs = 8-10
  • Which ribs are vertebral?
    Floating ribs = 11 and 12
  • What is a rib tubercle? 

    A prominence on the external surface of the rib
    which contains a medial facet that articulates with the
    transverse process of the numerically corresponding
  • Label the first rib:
    First rib
    A) angle
    B) costal groove
    C) tubercle
    D) neck
    E) costal groove
    F) tubercle
    G) neck
    H) crest
    I) head
    J) Superior and inferior vertebral facets
    K) tubercle facet
  • Label below:
    A) scalene tubercle
    B) groove for subclavian artery
    C) groove for subclavian vein
  • What attaches to the scalene tubercle of the first rib?
    anterior scalene muscle
  • Which part of the rib articulates with demi-facets?
  • Where are demi-facets found?
    Vertebral body
  • Where are costal(/articular) facets found?
    Vertebral transverse process
  • What part of the rib articulates with costal facets?
  • What vertebral transverse process does rib 5 articulate with?
    The transverse process of T5
  • Which bones form the boundaries of the thoracic inlet and outlet?
    Manubrium, T1 vertebral body and the first rib
  • What is the subcostal angle? 

    The angle between the xiphoid process and the L/R costal margin
  • What ribs/costal cartilages form the costal margin and subcostal angle?
    Cartilage from the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th ribs form the margin by extending inferolaterally from the xiphisternal joint
  • Which costal cartilages attach directly to the sternum?
    1 to 7
  • Which costal cartilages attach indirectly to the sternum through preceding costal cartilages?
    8 to 10
  • Which muscle is primarily used for breathing in the newborn?
  • Why do external and internal ICM fibres run at different angles to one another?
    To provide strength
  • Between which two intercostal muscles is the neurovascular bundle located? 

    Internal and innermost
  • In which part of the rib does the neurovascular bundle lodge?
    Costal groove
  • What is the lowest lying structure in the intercostal space that is most likely to be damaged during insertion of a chest drain? (Think VAN)
    Nerve (Vein Artery then Nerve =VAN)
  • Each intercostal neurovascular bundle gives off a collateral branch, what does this supply? 

    Pleurae and periosteum of ribs
  • Where does the collateral branch run?
    Just on the superior border of a rib
  • Define dermatome?
    Dermatomes are areas of the skin whose sensory distribution
    is innervated by the afferent nerve fibres from the dorsal root of
    a specific single spinal nerve root
  • Dermatome root value of nipple?
  • Dermatome of umbilicus?
  • Label:
    A) Central tendon
    B) Vena caval opening
    C) Medial arcuate ligament
    D) Lateral acruate ligament
    E) Right crus
    F) Left crus
    G) aortic opening
    H) oesophageal opening
    I) costal fibres
    J) sternal fibres
  • Which dome of the liver lies higher and why?
    Right dome = due to liver