Cards (36)

  • Disease that cannot be spread from one person/thing to another
    Non-Communicable Diseases
  • Occurs due to an abnormal immunologic response following the exposure to an allergen
  • Is an inflammatory disease of the airways to the lungs. It makes breathing difficult and can make some physical activities difficult or even impossible.
  • Is the disease of the heart and blood vessels.
    Cardiovascular Disease
  • This is a type of cardiovascular disease that is an abnormality in the hearts anatomical structure that you were born with
    Heart (cardio), Congenital heart
  • With this type of cardiovascular disease, Stroke most commonly occurs when a clot blocks a small vessel in the brain and thus brain cells die due to lack of oxygen supply
    Vascular (Blood Vessel) Diseases
  • The American Stroke Association uses this acronym to detect early warning signs of stroke
  • Is a brief surgical procedure in which the cervix is dilated and a special instrument is used to scrape the uterine lining and tissue from within the is removed.
  • Is caused by abnormal cells growing without control, they form masses called tumors.
  • Refers to the inflammation of the joints
  • Is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter the waste products from the blood.
    Kidney or Renal Failure
  • Is a disease that prevents the body to convert food into energy.
    Diabetes Mellitus
  • This is a type of diabetes that is the result of little or no insulin produced by the pancreas.(People age before 40)
    Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
  • This is a type of diabetes that is the result of too little insulin produced by the pancreas or failure of the insulin to function normally. (Overweight adults)
    Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
  • An acronym that is used when there are warning signs of cancer
  • The removal of cells or tissues for examination by the pathologist
  • Commonly known as 'Heart Attack'. It occurs when one or more coronary arteries supplying the heart suddenly becomes blocked, stopping the flow of blood to the heart muscle.
    Myocardial Infraction
  • A quick, painless test that produces radiographic images of the structures inside your body.
  • This is a type of tuner that is characterised by masses of cells that are not cancerous and do not spread
    Benign tumor
  • This is a type of tumor that is characterised by masses of cells that are cancerous.
    Malignant tumor
  • It's also known as High Blood Pressure
  • These are illness that can transferred or passed on from one person to another
    Communicable disease
  • Are tiny, one-celled organism that grow anywhere
  • Are the smallest simplest forms of life.
  • A condition that prevents the body or mind from working normally
  • 4 major types of non communicable disesses

    Cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes
  • Are simple life forms that cannot make their own food.
  • Are simple, animal-like organisms
  • Most common communicable disesde caused by hundreds different viruses
  • Is a serious disease of the lungs that can be caused by a virus or bacteria
  • Caused by viruses by lowering the body resistance to bacterial infections
    Influenza or Flu
  • Also called the 'Kissing Disease'. This is common to young people caused by viruses that result to a high number of white blood vessels in the body.
  • Caused by protozoa through the bites of mosquitoes.
  • Cannot be changed
    Background risk factors
  • Can be modified
    Behavioral risk factors
  • Can be controlled
    Intermediate risk factors