Jesus and the Holy Eucharist

Cards (31)

  • The title of the reading is "The Institution of the Last Supper"
  • The story of the Last Supper speaks of Jesus instituting the Holy Eucharist which he finally established on the night before he was crucified through the last meal he partook with his apostles.
  • The Eucharist was called "Agape" which meant "Love Feast"
  • Early Christians celebrated the Risen Jesus every time they broke bread together.
  • Praying and eating together resulted in stronger bonds between the members of the community.
  • CFC 1676 - Eucharistic sacrifice, memorial, sacrament of love, Paschal banquet, Pledge of future glory.
  • Eucharistic Sacrifice - Jesus' body and blood to perpetuate the sacrifice of the cross
  • Memorial - His death and resurrection.
  • Sacrament of love - sign of unity and bond of charity.
  • Paschal banquet - Christ is consumed and the mind is filled with grace.
  • We are given a pledge of future glory.
  • Pope Francis explained the significance of the Eucharist which traces its origin to the Last Supper.
  • There are two intersections of faith in the Holy Eucharist.
  • Dimension of history - Eucharist is an act of remembrance.
  • Dimension from the visible world to the invisible - In the Eucharist, we learn to see the heights and depths of reality.
  • Every celebration of the mass is a celebration of the Paschal Mystery.
  • Signs - anything which speaks of the presence of something not easily perceived by our senses. It reminds, warns, instructs, and gives us clues. Ex. Traffic lights, Skull with crossed bones
  • Symbols - Also a sign but is more on something representing another thing. Ex. Wedding ring, white dove, heart, flag, water
  • Signs are more abstract that symbols
  • Standing - Sign of respect and honor.
  • Kneeling - signified penance in the early church, homage in the middle ages, and adoration in the present.
  • Sitting - posture of listening and meditation.
  • Processions - Sign of the Pilgrim church
  • Sign of the cross - We start and end our mass like this.
  • Bowing - Signifies reverence, respect, and gratitude.
  • Genuflecting - Sign of adoration, bringing our right knee to the floor.
  • Orans - Means praying, frequently used ancient prayer posture by priests extending his hands to the his sides, slightly elevated.
  • Prostrating - rarely used, lies full-length on the floor, face on the ground. Signifies deep humility.
  • Singing - has both individual and communal dimension.
  • Praying in Unison - One body united in Christ through the sacrament of Baptism.
  • Transubstantiation - Bread and wine are changed into the body and blood of Christ,