The climate has gradually cooled over the last 5.5 million years
Over the past 2.6 million years (since the beginning of the Quaternary period) the temperature has fluctuated a lot causing glacial and warmer interglacial periods
In recent years (since the mid 1970s) there has been a rapid rise in global temperatures
Evidence of long term temperature changes
Fossil records
Ice cores - Amount of oxygen trapped in layer of ocean sediment and Antarctic ice
Evidence of more recent temperature changes
Thermometer readings (only over the last 100 years)
Melting glaciers / sea ice (volume of Arctic sea ice reached a record low in 2014)
Rising sea levels (This is partly due to melting ice caps / glaciers but mainly due to thermal expansion – warm ocean water expanding in volume)
Seasonal changes (plants flowering earlier in the season and birds migration and nesting patterns changing)
Milankovitch Cycles
1. Eccentricity (every 100,000 years the Earth's orbit changes from almost circular to elliptical (oval) and back again)
2. Axial tilt (every 41,000 years the tilt of the Earth's axis moves between 21.5° and 24.5° and back again - It's currently 23.5°). The greater the tilt, the more solar energy the pole facing the sun receives.
3. Precision (every 26,000 years the Earth wobbles like a spinning top)
Volcanic Activity
Volcanic ash can block out the sun, reducing temperatures in the short term
Sulphur dioxide forms sulphuric acid which acts like a mirror, reflecting solar radiation back into space, reducing temperatures longer term for years
Solar Activity - Sunspots
The sun's surface has dark patches (sunspots) and solar flares which change over an 11 year cycle. When sunspot activity is at a maximum, temperatures increase; when it is at a minimum, temperatures fall – e.g. during Europe's "Little Ice Age" at the end of 1600s
The natural greenhouse effect keeps the Earth warm enough to support life but in recent years human activities have increased the rate of global warming
Human causes of climate change
Use of fossil fuels (CO₂ from industry, power stations and transport causes approx. 60% of global warming)
Deforestation (burning tropical rainforest trees not only produced additional CO₂ but also stops trees from being carbon sinks, it stops them from absorbing CO₂)
Agriculture (Methane is produced by cattle and rice fields as well as landfill sites and sewage works. Although there's less of it than CO₂, it is more efficient, trapping more heat within the atmosphere)
Positive impacts of climate change in the UK
Grow wider range of crops currently grown in warmer climates – grapes, citrus fruit
Less road accidents due to ice
Reduced heating bills
Longer growing season for crops
Negative impacts of climate change in the UK
Coastal flooding due to sea level rise in the East
More extreme weather events -droughts & floods
Closure of Scottish ski resorts
Negative impacts of climate change globally
80 million displaced by coastal flooding due to sea level rise
Increase in cases of malaria and other tropical diseases (280m)
Increased frequency and intensity of tropical storms. Wider area affected
Increased demand for water in hotter summers
Decline in polar climate species
Mitigation strategies to reduce climate change
Alternative energy production (hydroelectric power (HEP), wind, wave, solar, nuclear and tidal)
Carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Afforestation (planting trees)
International agreements (Paris Agreement 2015, 2019 UN Climate Action Summit, COP26)
Adaptation strategies to respond to climate change
Changes in agricultural systems (Develop drought-resistant crops, Plant trees as wind-breaks and to provide shade, Change crop and livestock types, Change farming calendars and cropping patterns)
Managing water supply (Store water more effectively, Educate in water harvesting techniques, Develop more efficient irrigation systems)
Reducing risk from rising sea levels (Construct sea walls, Design and build houses on stilts, Construct artificial islands, Restore coastal mangrove swamps)
The 3 Geography GCSE Exam Papers
Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment
Paper 2: Challenges of the Human Environment
Paper 3: Geographical Application
Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment
Friday 17th May 2024, 1 hour 30 mins, Worth 35% of total marks
Paper 2: Challenges of the Human Environment
Wednesday 5th June 2024, 1 hour 30 mins, Worth 35% of total marks
Paper 3: Geographical Application
Friday 14th June 2024, 1 hour 30 minutes, Worth 30% of total marks
Paper 1: Living with the Physical Environment - Sections
Section A: The Challenge of Natural Hazards
Section B: The Living World
Section C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
Section A: The Challenge of Natural Hazards
Tectonic hazards, Weather hazards and Climate change, 33 marks, Answer all questions
Section B: The Living World
Ecosystems – small, local scale such as a pond and global scale- particularly Tropical Rainforests and Hot Deserts, 25 marks, Answer all questions
Cold environments will appear as an option instead of hot deserts - CHOOSE HOT DESERTS!
Section C: Physical Landscapes in the UK
The UK's diverse landscape – the main upland and lowland areas, Coasts and Rivers, Answer 2 out of 3 questions: Do Q3 (Coasts) and Q4 (Rivers), Do not answer Q5 (Glaciers), 2 x 15 marks
Don't forget to take: Calculator, Sharp pencil, Eraser, Ruler, A couple of black pens
Natural Hazard
A natural event that has a social impact (impact upon people). An event which has the potential to cause death or damage to property. If an event occurs and does not effect people it is not regarded a 'hazard'.
Hazard Risk
The chance or probability of being affected by a natural event
Factors influencing hazard risk
Scale (size of the event)
Wealth (poverty)
Level of urbanisation
Tectonic Hazards: How do the plates move?
1. Convection cells turn
2. Mantle movement results in plate movement in the crust
3. Causes earthquake and volcanic activity
Plate Tectonics
The Earth's outer shell (crust) is divided into several plates that glide over the mantle. The plates move as a result of convection currents in the mantle's magma.
Types of plate boundaries
Constructive – apart
Destructive – towards (oceanic vs continental)
Collision – towards (continental vs continental)
Conservative – side by side
Constructive Plate Boundary (Divergent)
Plates are moving apart (diverging), forming a gap between the plates (a vent). Convection currents cause magma to fill the gap, creating volcanoes and lava. Over time this leads to the creation of new land.
Constructive Plate Margin - Divergent
1. Convection cells
2. Oceanic plate/Crust
3. Spreading ocean ridge
4. Direction of movement
5. New plate forming
6. Shield volcanoes
7. Oldest plate/Newest plate
8. Mantle
9. Friction
Destructive Plate Boundary (Convergent)
Oceanic crust is moving towards continental crust. The oceanic crust is more dense than the continental crust and so it sinks under the continental crust where an oceanic trench forms. As the crust sinks friction occurs causing earthquakes. Eventually the oceanic crust melts in the mantle forming a magma chamber. This then causes volcanoes to occur, creating mountains such as the Andes Mountains in Peru.
Destructive Plate Margin - Convergent
1. Oceanic/Continental plate
2. Direction of movement
3. Subduction zone
4. Friction/Earthquakes
5. Melting oceanic plate
6. Magma chamber/Volcano
7. Young fold mountains
8. Oceanic trench
9. Mantle
Collision Plate Boundary
Convection currents cause two continental plates to move together (converge). As the plates move towards each other they 'fold' upwards (as they are the same density). As they fold upwards friction can cause earthquakes. Over time large mountains, called fold mountains form (e.g. Himalayas)
Collision Plate Margin - Convergent
1. Continental plate
2. Direction of movement
3. Mountain root
4. Earthquake activity
5. Young fold mountains
6. Mantle
Conservative Plate Boundary
Convection currents are causing the plates to move side by side. Over time friction can build up and eventually, as pressure is released, earthquakes occur. The point at which the earthquake occurs in the land is called the focus. At this point seismic waves of energy are released causing the ground to shake. Directly above the focus is the epicentre – often the point of greatest destruction.