SLT suggests that we learn about gender behaviours through observation and imitation of role models.
for girls their keys role model id their mother and for boys its their father.
Albert cohen
Suggested that SLT is more easy to process for girls than boys as they have easy access to mothers, whereas traditionally, fathers have traditionally been more elusive role models as they were usually the “breadwinners” and Are less frequently available to their sons.
As a result of the father not being traditionally in the home, boys rebel against the socialisation offered by their mothers. esspecially if that socialisation leads to any typically feminine traits.
in addition boys persue the opportunity that offers them the opportunity to develop their more masculine traits. boys and men seek out male peer groups.
these ”masculine behaviours“ then may be rewarded by male peers, such as toughness, aggression and risk-taking, rule-breaking behaviours, this can lead to criminal behaviour in men.