
Cards (25)

  • Supernatural Beliefs - Medieval 

    Evil spirits caused illness
    Astrology - become ill if the planets were out of alignment
    1345 - unusual alignment of planets thought to be cause of Black Death
  • Religious beliefs
    God caused illness as a punishment as seen in the Black Death 1348-49
    People had no education so they believed stories from the church
    Priests told people that God could send disease to punish sins
  • Galen's theory was accepted until the Renaissance (16th Century)
  • The Theory Of The Four Humours - Medieval
    Yellow Bile, Black Bile, Blood, Phlegm
    Hippocrates - Ancient Greek Doctor
    Picked up by Galen - Roman Doctor
    Person with high temperature would have hot red skin - means they have too much blood
    Used to explain almost every disease and illness
  • Role of Religion In Preventing Illness - Medieval
    Black death - flagellants whipped themselves to convince God that they were sorry for their sins
  • Prevention Of Miasma - Medieval
    Sweet smelling herbs such as lavender
    Lighting fires
  • Role of diet and hygiene preventing illness - medieval
    Belief that humours produced my digestion - balanced diet was important
    Overeating unbalanced the humours
    Hippocrates advice- laxatives emetics enemas purging of excess food to prevent illness
    Bathing was recommended
    Rich could pay for personalised hygiene plan
  • Local Authorities - Medieval
    Sometimes enforced rules to keep street clean
    Introduced quarantine laws during Black Death 1348-49
  • Religion Factor
    Medieval - Christians + Islamic religions built hospitals to encourage people to care for the sick.
    Christian Church discouraged challenging old ideas and developing new ones
    Hippocrates + Galen
  • War Factor
    Development of new surgical technologies - X rays (1895) - Mobile x rays to find bullets and shrapnel
    Harold Gillies - Plastic surgery to help soldiers suffering with severe facial wounds
    Blood Transfusions - British National Blood Transfusion Service (1938)
    Mass production of penicillin
  • Communication Factor
    renaissance - printing press enabled accurate and quicker productions of books
    Medieval - Books spread medical knowledge, influencing doctors in Britain
    Modern - Telephones and internet
  • Government Factor
    Passing laws for public Health and funding medical services and research
    NHS (1942) - Free health care to all
    Liberal Forms - Free school meals (1906) Slum Clearance, Old age pensions (1908)
    Clean Air Act
    Poverty Line
  • Robert Koch
    German Scientist
    First scientist to prove that different germs caused many common diseases
    1882 discovered specific bacteria which caused tuberculosis
    Showed it was possible to grow specific bacteria using coloured dyes which made it easier to single out and study each type of bacteria
    Made it easier for future scientists to study bacteria by growing them in a petri dish and using a microscope.
  • James Simpson
    Discovered use of chloroform (1842)
    Effective general anaesthetic used by Queen Victoria (1853)
    Challenged by the church
    Led to complex, slower operations
    Death rates rose: Black Hole period - too much being used
  • Joseph Lister - Industrial
    Influenced by sewage plants and Germ Theory
    Applied carbolic acid spray (1865)
    Death rates fell dramatically
    Led to aeseptic surgery
  • John Snow - industrial
    Cholera epidemics since 1830s
    Researched cholera in Soho
    Interviewed residents
    Removed broad st pump
    Proved cholera was waterborne
    Cholera epidemics ended
    Didnt know how to explain how it worked
  • Government - Industrial
    Promoted vaccinations
    1875 public health act as franchise grew
    Funded research
  • Pare - renaissance
    Belgian battlefield surgeon
    Ligatures replaced cauterisation
    rose oil, egg white, turpentine replaced hot oil
    Sewing wounds
    Prosthetic limbs
    1588 Book - (Proved Practice)
    Used vesalius ideas
  • Vesalius - renaissance
    Italian anatomy student
    Public dissections on criminals
    Realistic drawings on body systems
    'Fabric of the human body' (1543) - translate into english and used by barber surgeons
    Disagreed with Galen
    Challenged by the church
  • William Harvey - renaissance
    English doctor
    Rigorous scientist
    Studied human hearts
    Disproved Galens theory (blood made in liver)
    Led to transplants, blood tranfusions, amputation
    Theory that blood pumped around the body
    'Du motu Cordis' (1628)
    Challenged Galen
    Couldnt prove his theory
  • Charles Booth
    Created the poverty line
    30 percent of londoners were so poor that they couldnt eat properly because they had no money.
    Reports highlighted the fact that poverty and poor health had become one of big issues at the time
  • Seebohm Rowntree

    28 percent of the population did not have the minimum amount of money to live on at some time after their life
    People had to earn at least 21 shillings per week to stay out of poverty
  • 1909 back to back housing act

    few people would have to live in crowded slums
    stopped breeding ground for disease
  • 1911 National insurance act

    pensions and sickness pay introduced
  • 1907 school medical service

    children in schools got free health care from school doctors