nursing 311 final exam

Cards (26)

  • cataracts: cloudy lens, most common cause of blindness, painless with blurry vision, lens implant, monitor for complications
    wear sunglasses, quit smoking, optimize diet and control of chronic conditions
  • glaucoma: increased intraocular pressure (headaches due to pressure buildup) , risk factors cardiovascular disease and diabetes, loss of peripheral vision, acute angle is ocular emergency
  • age related macular degeneration: loss of central vision
  • retinal detachment: ocular emergency, senstation of curtain falling over eye, painless
  • otitis externa: ear pain, aural tenderness, edema of external auditory canal
  • otitis media: drainage if tympanic membrane perforates, fever, upper respiratory tract infection, rhinitis, erythema and bulging of tympanic membrane
  • NREM: heart rate and breathing slow
  • REM: eyes moving, increased HR, increased and irregular RR, muscles relaxed (atonic)
  • NREM makes up 75% of cycle
  • insomnia: difficulty falling or staying asleep, non-restorative sleep, more common in women than men, excessive daytime sleepiness, improve sleep hygiene
  • sleep apnea: lack of airflow through nose and mouth for periods of 10 seconds or longer
  • narcolepsy: sleep attack into REM sleep, lifestyle changes and focus on safety
  • sleep deprivation due to meds, environmental disturbances, being in ICU, eliminate causative factors: open blinds, turn lights on (sleep/wake cycle), get them OOB
  • restless leg syndrome: intense urge to move legs to stop sensation; reduce stress, muscle relaxation, meds
  • night terrors: common in children, will return to resting state, correlated with stress and full bladder
  • sleep enuresis: bedwetting; behavioral techniques and fluid restriction
  • bruxism: teeth grinding, use a mouthguard
  • somnambulism: sleep walking; provide support and maintain safety
  • alpha 1 antitrypsin deficiency causes COPD onset at a younger age
  • pts with COPD are driven by oxygen levels rather than CO2 levels to breathe
  • oxygen toxicity: sub sternal chest pain
  • meds for copd patients?
    bronchodilators: beta 2 adrengeric antagonists, short acting (albuterol) and long acting
    antcholinergics (muscarinic antagonists): short acting and long acting
    combination inhalers
    supportive meds (mucolytics)
  • meds for asthma: short (albuterol) and long acting beta 2 antagonist, short and long acting muscarinic agents, corticosteroids, leukotriene inhibitors
  • nutrition for wound healing?
    turkey, shellfish, orange, broccoli, salmon
  • foods to avoid for oxalate stones?
    spinach, rhubarb, chocolate, peanuts, pecans, strawberries, tea, and wheat bran
  • foods to avoid for uric acid stones?
    organ meats, anchovies, asparagus, shellfish, and mushrooms