Difference in social control

Cards (6)

  • Patriarchal societies are those in which were men and fathers dominate.
  • these societies impose greater control over women and minimise opportunity to commit crime
  • Heidenson
    Suggested that women are “controlled“ at home, at work and in public. At home, as daughters, girls are dependent on the care provided by their parents, more specifically their fathers. Girls are not allowed to stay out as late as sons, expected to do more housework, and ads a result develop socialising opportunities that involve the home such as sleep overs.
  • As adults, women have fewer opportunities to to commit crime because of the greater time and commitment placed on them by domestic roles, such as caring for children.
  • the “glass-ceiling” in the work place in place for women, prevents women from rising to senior positions and committing white collar crimes.
  • in public the way in which the media reports crimes such as rape also controls women by increasing fear of being pout in public. this fear increases womens time in the home and and therefore have less opportunity to commit crime.