Dialysis Machines Filter the Blood
1. Dissolved substances in the blood are maintained at normal levels, and waste substances are removed
2. Person's blood flows between partially permeable membranes, surrounded by dialysis fluid
3. Membranes are permeable to ions and waste substances, but not big molecules like proteins
4. Dialysis fluid has the same concentration of dissolved ions and glucose as healthy blood
5. Useful dissolved ions and glucose won't be lost from the blood during dialysis
6. Only waste substances (such as urea) and excess ions and water diffuse across the barrier
7. Many patients have to have a dialysis session three times a week, each session takes 3-4 hours
8. Dialysis may cause blood clots or infections
9. Dialysis is not a pleasant experience and is expensive for the NHS to run
10. Dialysis can buy a patient valuable time until a donor organ is found