physiology 9a

Cards (24)

  • Activation and mechanical properties of skeletal muscle
    • Describe the nature of the length-tension relationship for individual sarcomeres and for whole muscle
    • Indicate what influences force summation
    • Differentiate between muscle types on basis of fibre length, diameter and energetics of contraction
  • Sarcomere length-tension relationship
    • Passive tension results from muscle being stretched
    • Active tension represents force developed during cross-bridge cycling
    • Total tension is the sum of these
    • Many joints are limited to keep muscles in the middle range
  • Whole muscle contraction
    • Recruitment of different (numbers of) motor units
    • Summation of action potentials
    • Different ways to release ATP for contraction
  • Motor units in the muscles
    • One motor neuron → many muscle fibres
    • One muscle fibre ← only one motor neuron
    • One motor neuron + all fibres it innervates = motor unit
    • Size of motor unit depends on muscle type and required force range
  • Motor unit examples

    • Laryngeal muscle (2-3 fibres)
    • Soleus muscle (100s of fibres)
  • Spatial summation
    Temporal summation
  • Muscle fibre differences
    • Length can simply be measured
    • Diameter can simply be measured
    • Energetics can be implied by colouration (more mitochondria = more aerobic)
  • Muscle fibre types
    Slow vs fast fibres
  • Energy sources for muscle contraction
    1. Creatine phosphate
    2. Anaerobic glycolysis
    3. Oxidative phosphorylation
  • Whole muscle contraction
    1. Isolate a muscle fibre from an animal
    2. Attach weight to it, apply electrical current
    3. Repeat the experiment in presence of apyrase, an enzyme that depletes ATP from the medium
  • Schematic structure of the sarcomere

    Sarcomere length-tension relationship
  • Sarcomere length-tension relationship
    • Passive tension results from muscle being stretched
    • Active tension represents force developed during cross-bridge cycling
    • Total tension is the sum of these
    • Many joints are limited to keep your muscles in the middle range
  • Passive force
    Due mostly to elastic proteins known as titin, which stretch like springs, so passive tension increases with sarcomere length
  • Titin is the 3rd most abundant protein in your muscles and is also the longest human protein (it has over 34,000 amino acids!)
  • Dystrophin
    Another very long protein (3685 amino acids)
  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked genetic disease that affects 1/5000 males, with most mutations in exons 43-55, and currently no therapy exists
  • Motor units in the muscles
    • One motor neuron → many muscle fibres
    • One muscle fibre ← only one motor neuron
    • One motor neuron + all fibres it innervates = motor unit
  • Motor neurons cause muscle contraction
  • Muscle types

    • Length can simply be measured
    • Diameter can simply be measured
    • Energetics can be implied by the colouration of the fibres, as darker fibres have more mitochondria and rely more on aerobic respiration
    • Slow vs fast fibres
  • Muscle energetics
    • Creatine phosphate (fastest)
    • Anaerobic glycolysis (fast but inefficient)
    • Oxidative phosphorylation in mitochondria (slow but ATP-efficient)
  • Type I fibres

    Endurance activity, long periods of activity, low levels of tension, fatigue resistant, examples: postural muscles, soleus (used in walking, long distance running, functional activities)
  • Type II fibres
    Burst activity, fast, powerful explosive contractions, fibres fatigue easily, examples: sprinting, weight lifting, e.g. gastrocnemius
  • Fibre ratios vary based on muscle type, training regime, inheritance
  • Fatigue
    Central (CNS), Muscular, Physiological causes: Local increase in phosphate, Ca2+ leakage through SR, Quick depletion of glycogen