Chapter 5

Cards (11)

  • p-56 - Prior is introduced and he uses selective mutism to avoid confronting his nightmares
  • P-57"THERES NOTHING PHYSICALY WRONG" - Prior is under the impression that treatment is only required for physical injuries, much like his dad believes.
  • P-57"Two I's in Physically Mr Prior, now open wide" - Rivers showing signs of frustration. Not indifferent to Yealland's treatment of Callan.
  • "I must say it makes Dottyville almost bearable" - Sassoon portrayign signs of arrogance and snobbery.
  • P59 -"I hate it when you talk like that. As if anyone who breaks down is inferior" - Graves taking fire at Sassoon's arrogance.
  • P-60 Sassoon is walking back from lunch with Graves. His journey back references war "For a second he was back there, Armageddon, Golgotha, there were no words, a place of desolation so complete no imagination could have ever invented it"
  • p-61 "He was still running through possible combinations as he bathed" - Rivers is deeply consumed by his work.
  • p-62-65 - Rivers has a dream that he is back at Cambridge with Henry Head and they are studying the treatment of nerve regeneration. The procedure includes re-nerving ends in the forearm and tracking areas of sensitivity. The pain is "extreme" but they both try it and get through it. Rivers tries to decipher the dream for what it represents. He concludes "The war must be fought to a finish" and "Events as those which had led to Burns' breakdown should be allowed to continue"
  • p-65 Rivers concludes he is trying to break societal norms after the dream. "feelings of tenderness for other men were natural and right, that tears were an acceptable and helpful part of grieving, he was setting himself against the whole tenor of their upbringing"
  • P-65 "They'd been trained to identify emotional repression as the essence of manliness"
  • p-66 "Men who broke down, or cried, or admitted to feeling fear, were sissies, weaklings, failures. Not Men"