A few aquaticsalamanders and tadpoles use suction feeding
Rotational feeding in some salamanders
Protrusible tongue in frogs and some salamanders
Compensatorysuction-feeding in aquatic turtles
Rotationalfeeding in crocs
Cranialkinesis in squamates and birds
Protrusible tongue
Birds have a crop and gizzard
Venom in some squamates
Typically diphyodont and homo or heterodont depending on feeding preference (carnivore, herbivore, omnivore)
Extensivelydeveloped oral glands
Ruminant animals have chambers
Chondricthyans and actinopterygiians both have no oral glands and use a combo of ram, suction and biting (especially ram)
Ingestion - intake of food
Mastication - processing of food
Deglutition - swallowing
Duverney’s gland -> venom
Acrodont - replacement teeth already present
Pleurodont - replacement teeth in jaw
Theodont - replacement teeth in jaw but limited
Homodont - similar tooth shapes
Heterodont - different tooth shapes
Polyphyodont - multiple replacements
Diphyodont - 2 set
Monophyodont - 1 set
Aquatic turtles use compensatory suction feeding, where a hyoid depression creates suction, but food is not sucked into the mouth. It's kept in place for ram feeding
Most tetrapods capture food using their jaw or tongue
tetrapod feeding cycle
slow opening of mouth
fast opening
fast closing
slow closing - power stroke
In squamates, the pre-maxilla can detach from the brain case to increase gape
Initial protein digestion occurs in the stomach, the intestine is the main site of digestion and absorption