Men: PL

Cards (12)

  • “patriarch of mankind” = title given to Adam; figure head
  • “Why didst not thou the head command me absolutely not go” = Eve blaming Adam for not commanding her
  • “Seek not temptation then” = Adam comanding Eve after the fall
  • Milton = “The better fortitude of patience and heroic martyrdom” (prologue of B9)
  • ‘Adam is the stronger of the pair…greater share of the responsibility’Revard
  • "Adam's first words to Eve are typical of him and typical of the extremely high opinion that he has of Eve" - Verbart
  • AO3: Ephesians 5:22
    • "Wives submit to your husbands"
    • Obedience & reinforces social stereotype of dominant men
  • "Sole Eve, associate Sole, to me" = Adam expresses his love for Eve; first line; equal partnership
  • “Let us divide our labours” = challenges stereotypes; equality in their relationship
  • Milton ‘portrays Eve as vain & wilful & Adam as weak & uxorious’ - McColley
  • ‘Adam was meant to shape his wife’s decisions… relinquishes that authority… he causes…her fall & his own’ - Revard.
  • "Daughter of God and Man!" = Adam reminds Eve of her status