Cards (13)

  • Organisms of the same species have differences
  • Differences between organisms of the same species
    • Different colour hair
    • Individually shaped noses
    • Variety of heights
  • Variation within a species
    Genetic variation and environmental variation
  • Genetic variation
    • Characteristics are determined by the genes inherited from parents
    • Genes are passed on in sex cells (gametes)
    • Most animals and plants get some genes from the mother and some from the father
    • Combining of genes from two parents causes genetic variation
  • Characteristics determined only by genes
    • Violet flower colour
    • Eye colour
    • Blood group
    • Inherited disorders (e.g. haemophilia or cystic fibrosis)
  • Environmental variation
    Differences caused by the conditions that organisms live and grow in
  • Environmental variation
    • Plant grown in plenty of sunlight vs plant grown in darkness
  • Most characteristics are determined by a mixture of genetic and environmental factors
  • Maximum height

    Determined by genes, but actual height depends on environment (e.g. how much food)
  • Mutations
    Changes to the sequence of bases in DNA
  • Most mutations have no effect on the protein the gene codes for, so most mutations have no effect on the organism's phenotype
  • Although it's very rare, mutations can result in a new phenotype (characteristic) being seen in a species
  • If the environment changes, and the new phenotype makes an individual more suited to the new environment

    It can become common throughout the species relatively quickly by natural selection