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  • Gregor Mendel
    An Austrian monk who trained in mathematics and natural history at the University of Vienna
  • Mendel's research
    1. Noted how characteristics in plants were passed on from one generation to the next
    2. Results published in 1866
    3. Became the foundation of modern genetics
  • Mendel's crosses for height in pea plants
    • First cross: Tall pea plant x Dwarf pea plant, all offspring tall
    • Second cross: Tall pea plant x Tall pea plant, 3 tall, 1 dwarf offspring
  • Mendel's conclusions about heredity in plants
    • Characteristics are determined by "hereditary units"
    • Hereditary units are passed on unchanged from both parents
    • Hereditary units can be dominant or recessive
  • Mendel's work was cutting edge and new to the scientists of the day, they didn't have the background knowledge to properly understand his findings
  • It wasn't until after Mendel's death that people realised how significant his work was
  • Understanding of genes developed over time
    1. Late 1800s: Scientists became familiar with chromosomes and how they behave during cell division
    2. Early 1900s: Scientists realised chromosomes and Mendel's "units" acted similarly, proposed "units" were found on chromosomes (now known as genes)
    3. 1953: Structure of DNA determined, allowed further understanding of how genes work