X and Y Chromosomes

Cards (12)

  • There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in every human body cell
  • 21 of these 23 pairs are matched pairs of chromosomes that just control characteristics
  • The 23rd pair

    Labelled XX or XY, they decide your sex - whether you turn out male or female
  • Males
    • Have an X and a Y chromosome: XY
    • The Y chromosome causes male characteristics
  • Females
    • Have two X chromosomes: XX
    • The XX combination allows female characteristics to develop
  • When making sperm
    1. The X and Y chromosomes are drawn apart in the first division in meiosis
    2. There's a 50% chance each sperm cell gets an X chromosome and a 50% chance it gets a Y chromosome
  • When making eggs
    The original cell has two X-chromosomes, so all the eggs have one X-chromosome
  • When crossing together different genes or chromosomes
    You can use a genetic diagram to show all the possible genetic outcomes
  • Genetic diagrams
    • Also called Punnett squares
    • Show the possible combinations of gametes
  • There are two XX results and two XY results, so there's the same probability of getting a boy or a girl
  • The 50:50 ratio is only a probability at each pregnancy
  • Another type of genetic diagram
    • Shows the possible gametes that are formed and the criss-cross lines show all the possible ways the X and Y chromosomes could combine