Populations and ecosystems

Cards (11)

  • What is ecology?
    The study of the inter-relationship between organisms and their environment
  • What is a biotic factor?

    Living factor
  • What is an abiotic factor?

    Non-living factor
  • What is a population?
    A group of individuals of one species that occupy the same habitat at the same time
  • What is carrying capacity?
    The size of population supported by the ecosystem
  • What is an ecological niche?
    Describes how an organism fits into its environment
    Describes what the organism does and where it lives
  • What is the principle that states no two species have the same niche?
    Competitive exclusion principle
  • What is an ecosystem?
    The interaction between biotic and abiotic parts of the environment
  • What is a habitat?

    Where an organism lives
  • What is within habitats?
    Microhabitats with their own microclimates
  • What is a community?
    All the populations of different species living and interacting in a particular place at the same time