Cards (65)

  • Upward communication
    Communication within an organization in which the direction of communication is from employees up to management
  • Serial communication
    Communication passed consecutively from one person to another
  • MUM (minimize unpleasant messages) effect
    The idea that people prefer not to pass on unpleasant information, with the result that important information is not always communicated
  • Communication channel
    The medium by which a communication is transmitted
  • Proximity
    Physical distance between people
  • Attitude survey
    A form of upward communication in which a survey is conducted to determine employee attitudes about an organization
  • Suggestion box
    A form of upward communication in which employees are asked to place their suggestions in a box
  • Complaint box
    A form of upward communication in which employees are asked to place their complaints in a box
  • Liaison
    A person who acts as an intermediary between employees and management, or the type of employee who both sends and receives most grapevine information
  • Ombudsperson
    A person who investigates employees' complaints and solves problems
  • Union steward
    An employee who serves as a liaison between unionized employees and management
  • Downward communication
    Communication within an organization in which the direction of communication is from management to employees
  • Bulletin board
    A method of downward communication in which informal or relatively unimportant written information is posted in a public place
  • Policy manual
    A formal method of downward communication in which an organization's rules and procedures are placed in a manual; legally binding by courts of law
  • Newsletters
    A method of downward communication typically used to communicate organizational feedback and celebrate employee success
  • Intranet
    A computer-based employee communication network used exclusively by one organization
  • Business communication
    The transmission of business related information among employees, management, and customers
  • Informal communication
    Communication among employees in an organization that is not directly related to the completion of an organizational task
  • Grapevine
    An unofficial, informal communication network
  • Single-strand grapevine
    A pattern of grapevine communication in which a message is passed in a chain-like fashion from one person to the next until the chain is broken
  • Gossip grapevine
    A pattern of grapevine communication in which a message is passed to only a select group of individuals
  • Probability grapevine
    A pattern of grapevine communication in which a message is passed randomly among all employees
  • Cluster grapevine
    A pattern of grapevine communication in which a message is passed to a select group of people who each in turn pass the message to a few select others
  • Isolate
    An employee who receives less than half of all grapevine information
  • Dead-enders
    Employees who receive much grapevine information but who seldom pass it on to others
  • Gossip
    Poorly substantiated information and insignificant information that is primarily about individuals
  • Rumor
    Poorly substantiated information that is passed along the grapevine
  • Interpersonal communication
    Communication between two individuals
  • Noise
    Any variable concerning or affecting the channel that interferes with the proper reception of a message
  • Intimacy zone
    A distance zone within 18 inches of a person, where only people with a close relationship to the person are allowed to enter
  • Personal distance zone
    A distance zone from 18 inches to 4 feet from a person that is usually reserved for friends and acquaintances
  • Social distance zone
    An interpersonal distance from 4 to 12 feet from a person that is typically used for business and for interacting with strangers
  • Public distance zone
    Distance greater than 12 feet from a person that is typical of the interpersonal space allowed for social interactions such as large group lectures
  • Paralanguage
    Communication inferred from the tone, tempo, volume, and rate of speech
  • Artifacts
    The things people surround themselves with (clothes, jewelry, office decorations, cars, etc.) that communicate information about the person
  • Open desk arrangement
    An office arranged so that a visitor can sit adjacent to rather than across from the person behind the desk
  • Closed desk arrangement
    An office arranged so that a visitor must sit across from the person behind the desk
  • Leveled
    Describes a message from which unimportant informational details have been removed before the message is passed from one person to another
  • Sharpened
    Describes a message in which interesting and unusual information has been kept in the message when it is passed from one person to another
  • Assimilated
    A description of a message in which the information has been modified to fit the existing beliefs and knowledge of the person sending the message before it is passed on to another person