Bio Aprch to Treating OCD

Cards (7)

  • What is drug therapy?
    Easy and accessible means of dealing with obsessions and compulsions
    Affect the functioning of brain and neurotransmitter levels
  • What are SSRIs?
    Low levels of serotonin linked to OCD, so they inhibit the re-uptake of serortonin (which occurs too quickly in ppl with OCD)
    Increase level of serotonin available in synapse, results in more serotonin being received in post-synpatic neuron.
    Improves mood and reduces anxiety exp by OCD patients
  • What are tricyclics?
    Primarily used in OCD treatment over depression
    Blocks transporter mechanism that re-absorbs both serotonin and noradrenaline (neurotransmitter associated with gvrning autonomic system), into pre-synaptic cell after it has fired
    More neurotransmitters in synapse left, prolonging activity, easing transmission of next impulse.
  • What are Benzodiazepines?

    Anti-anxiety drugs
    Bzs slow down activity of CNS by enhancing activity of neurotarnsmitter GABA (quietening effect on neurons in brain when released).
    Slows down neurons in brain and stops them firing.
    So, reduces anxiety, experienced as a result of excessive thoughts.
  • AO3 Strength: non disruptive and cost-effective BUT...

    Ppl do not have to give up time to attend therpay, simply taken until symptoms subside. Tretaments like CBT require patient motivation, drugs more successful patients who lack motivation to complete intense psychological treatment.
    Cost-effective: for health service require little monitoring and cheaper than psychological treatments. More beneficial economically and timewise.
    HOWEVER, not alasting cure. Temp treats OCD until drugs stopped. Relapse occurs in few weeks if stopped, review of OCD treatment in APA, psychotherpaies should be used first, even though drug typically first used.
  • Weakness: treat symptoms of disorder not cause
    SSRIs work on inc levels of serotonin in brain, which reduces anxiety and allevaites symptoms of OCD, so does not treat underlying cause of OCD.
  • Weakness: side effects
    SSRIs effective in OCD treatment shown in studies, but some patients experience indigestion, nausea, headache and insomnia.
    For tricyclics (second line treatment), can lead to hallucinations, erection issues and raised blood pressure.
    BZs renowned for being highly addictive and causes inc aggression + LTM impairments so only prescribed usually for short term treatments.
    Side effects diminish effectiveness, patients wil, stop medication once effects ex, frequnetly results in relapse.