less rain which meant areas affected by drought only received 55 - 95% of usual rainfall between April2010 and May2012
cause of UK Drought 2012
warmertemperatures which meant that weather was also warmer than usual so more water evaporated from reservoirs than usual and soils dried out
cause of UK Drought 2012
drysoils so it was difficult for the rain that did fall to soak into the grounds as soils were dry and baked up
cause of UK Drought 2012
highwater usage as people in the UK got into the habit of using largeamounts of water everyday. This lead to nearly 2 billion litres being used everyday
what was the consequence of UK Drought 2012 ?
Problem for faming as water shortages made it difficult to find water for crops and livestock
what was the consequence of UK Drought 2012 ?
Environmental damage as dry areas of moorland caught fire with wildfires raging across parts of the UK like the South of Wales. This cause damage for plants and animals
what was the consequence of UK Drought 2012 ?
Homeowners were stilled allowed to turn on their taps but however there were restrictions like hosepipe bans were people weren't able to water their garden or wash their cars
Response to the UK Drought 2012
Permits for watercompanies to be allowed to extractwater from the river
Response to UK Drought in 2012
Issuedhosepipe bans to conserve water available
Response to UK Drought in 2012
campaigns to get ordinary people to use less water in their homes