HM - braindamage caused by operation to remove the hippocampus from both sides of his brain to reduce severe epilepsy
HM'spersonality and intellect remain intact but he could not form new long-termmemories - although he could remember things before his surgery
HM could form short-termmemory
Case studies
Showed differentareas of the brain are involved in short-termmemory/long-termmemory and they have their own unitarystores
LimitationCasestudies are idiographic - subjective to experiences limitation - too simple
Research does notsupportshort-term memory/long-termmemory as a singleunitarystore
Suggests short-term memory is divided into a number of differentstores - kind of memory stored, their length/capacity = differentiates - phonological loop,visuospatialsketchpad,episodicbuffer,centralexecutive
Types of memory
Maintenancerehearsal explains semanticmemory not episodic therefore model neglects process of memory - motivation/effect and strategy only on attention and maintenancerehearsal
This is a weakness as it oversimplifies the complexity of memory