Official stats

Cards (6)

  • Official stats, positivists
    Quantitative data collected by the government, e.g. births, deaths, crime
    • Source of secondary data
  • Hard stats
    Objective, politicians can't change them, e.g. births and marriages
  • Soft stats
    Subjective and politicians can change them, e.g. stats on poverty, crime and employment
  • Examples of official stats
    • UK Census - survey of every household carried out every 10 years
    • TV ratings
  • Strengths of official stats
    • Cheap and easy to access large amounts of data
    • Reliable, can explore changes over time
  • Weaknesses on official stats
    • Lack validity, government may present stats in a biased way, manipulate to make their politics more favourable, e.g. crime stats may say more about policing than actual crime factors
    • Definitions and the way data is collected may vary, impossible to compare data, definition of unemployment changes