Cards (15)

  • Feminism
    Patriarchal society, women oppressed by men, society run by men for men
  • Liberal Feminism
    Want equality for everyone, march of progress
    More equal opportunities for women
    Cause of inequality in relationships = long hours based on breadwinner idea
  • Sommerville
    Many feminists fail to acknowledge progress
    Many young women not sympathetic to feminism
  • Evaluations of Liberal Feminism
    Equality in relationships need flexibility in paid employment
    Men should put more effort in relationships
  • Fran Ansley
    Women = safety valve to ensure capitalism continues > takers of shit > have to deal with triple shift
  • Evaluations of Marxist Feminism
    Women's' oppression evident before capitalism
    Correlation between capitalist development and women's oppression = capitalism has opposite effects as suggested
    Women likely to be paid work as men
  • Radical Feminism
    Society is structured to oppress women, all relationships between men and women are based on patriarchy
  • Triple Shift - Duncombe and Marsden
    Domestic labour, emotional work in family, look after children > family is oppressive to women
    Gender socialisation of girls into stereotypical roles
  • Firestone
    All societies are founded on patriarchy, see men as oppressors and exploiters of women
    Advocate for abolish of traditional patriarchal, nuclear family and est. of alt family structures, e.g matrifocal households
  • Evaluations on Radical Feminism
    Less relevant than 60's, less likely to suffer from triple shift
    Still relevant, abuse still common
  • Ann Oakley
    Women's aspirations have changed, more economically independent
    90's = economic influence through employment > work and education proritised
  • Criticism of Oakley
    Equal roles don't exist
  • Overall criticisms of Feminism
    Radical criticize liberals for not recognizing it's more than institutions that are patriarchal
    Undermine choice of some women to adopt trad. values
    Intersectionality of women's experiences = focus on white middle class women, ignore differences of women in minority
  • Nuclear family traditionally performed two functions that oppress women:
    1. Socialising girls to accept subservient roles within the family > passive, won't challenge
    2. Socialising women into accepting the "housewife" role as normal > limits women to domestic sphere > need to be financially dependent on men
  • Marxist feminists
    Women's oppression is due to capitalism and serves functions for capitalism:
    1. Reproduce labour force = women do childcare in nuclear family > socialising children to accept authority of parents and obedient to hierarchal authority > what capitalist economy needs
    2. Absorb anger = women absorb anger of proletariat preventing anger being directed to bourgeoise > prevents revolution to capitalism
    3. Reserved army of cheap labour = women take on instrumental role > bourgeoisie could take on female workers in emergencies