
Cards (5)

  • Post Modernism
    Society we live in, unstructured and more choice due to globalization, contemporary living is flexible
  • Characteristics of Post Modernism
    • diverse and fragmentation = broad identity of subcultures
    • rapid social change = work and leisure make life less predictable, technology dissolves barriers of time
    • contemporary society always changing so people reject trad. family to maintain social order
    • individualism = diversity and consumer choice
  • Evaluations of characteristics
    • Giddens =structure to make decisions despite freedom
    • Contemporary feminists = trad. gender roles still disadvantage women, remain norm
  • Judith Stacy
    • Studied divorced Cali. women > some developed extended support networks, some maintained relationships = shared parenting
    • never going to be one dominant type of family in Western culture > more varied and flexible
  • Overall criticisms
    • Doesn't recognise how people are shaped by social pressures
    • Marxists = ignores inequality
    • Functionalists = ignores importance of institutions