
Cards (5)

  • Late Modernity
    More individual choice but not as free
  • Giddens
    • Family and marriage transformed by grater choice not bound by trad. or family expectations > more personal relationships = less stable
  • Beck's risk society
    • Less influence of tradition
    • Spend more time calculating risks and rewards, insecurity in society = personal decisions informed from what they see in society
    • contrasts with nuclear family and trad. gender roles
    • nuclear family is undermined by gender equality and individualism > calculate actions for self interest rather than obligation
  • Overall criticisms
    • individualism based on free will, could impact social connections
    • structure of family influences our personal choice, lead to rejection or staying with partners out of fear of judgement
    • modernist traditions remain in some social classes, keep up with appearance or economic security
  • Key concepts
    • Individualism = focusing on goals rather than needs of society
    • Increased insecurity e.g relationships, employment
    • Reflexivity = individuals reflect on place in society due to increasing changes
    • Increased interconnectedness