stuff i dont know

Cards (8)

  • Denotation
    The literal meaning of the words and passages in a text
  • Connotation
    The hidden or implied meaning that a person may infer
  • Rhyme Scheme

    The pattern of end rhyme in lines of poetry
  • Assonance
    Repetition of a vowel sound in non-rhyming words that gives the word an "inexact rhyme"
  • Consonance
    Repeated consonant sounds within words in lines of poetry, used to create tone or other effect
  • Alliteration
    The repetition of an initial consonant sound at the beginning of several words near each other
  • Iambic Pentameter
    Rhythm pattern that consists of an iam (da-DUH) and repeating that 5 times
  • Poetic License
    Freedom to use language convention at will for a specific reason or to create an effect